Global Filtration Expert Reduces Injuries and Saves Costs With Slice Ceramic Safety Blades

Clarcor, a US-based global filtration manufacturer, takes safety seriously. All of its mid-Missouri sites have earned a Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) certification from the US Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). With Slice® safety blades, Denise Gordon, a Slater, Missouri EHS manager, is taking safety one step further than VPP expectations, and it’s paying off.

We have not had any lacerations from utility knives since switching... Our sister plants that have not switched just had two cuts within the last two months.

“The Slice blades have helped us go above and beyond [VPP Program] expectations,” Denise tells us. “We have not had any lacerations from utility knives since switching,” she says, compared with two or three lacerations from steel utility blades in the past four years. “Our sister plants that have not switched just had two cuts within the last two months.”

Saving workers from lacerations has also resulted in cost savings for Clarcor, as Gordon explains. “The blades are lasting longer”. Slice is pleased to be part of Clarcor’s proactive safety solutions.

  • Improved

    safety record

  • Reduced

    frequency of blade changes

  • Increased

    cost savings


Safety blades that improved the safety record, reduced frequency of blade changes, and increased cost savings at Clarcor: