Packaging Leader's Manufacturing Plant Achieves Best Safety Record in 30 Years With Slice

Intertape Polymer Group's (IPG) plant in Danville, Virginia, produces all manner of plastics, films and tapes. As such, employees use cutting tools of all kinds daily. This puts them at risk for lacerations and puncture injuries. In 2015, storeroom manager John Codispoti wrote to us, "The safety of our production staff is priority one!" He continued, "after decades of combatting cuts on fingers, hands and forearms, we turned to Slice, Inc. for an innovative solution." That solution was the Slice® 10512 Pen Cutter. The results of the switch were impressive.

Codispoti explained that all production staff must wear gloves with any knife. "After testing," he said, "it was determined that people could use the [Slice] pen knives without cutting gloves." This provided an incentive for the switch, as employees prefer to work without gloves, especially during hot summer months.

We have gone from weeks in between cut incidents to months, attaining the best safety record in the nearly three-decade history of our plant with 481 accident-free days!

As of July 1, 2016, Codispoti tells us, "We have gone from weeks in-between cut incidents to months, attaining the best safety record in the nearly three-decade history of our plant with 481 accident-free days!"

Codispoti also praises Slice's customer service and expedient processing and shipping. He has been working for over fifteen years in storeroom management and maintenance. In that time, John's had plenty of experience dealing with vendors and safety products. In his words, "finding a responsive vendor with an excellent product (design, durability, $ value) is a rare find. Slice, Inc. is such a find."

We appreciate the opportunity to help IPG reach its goals in boosting safety at work.

  • Moved

    from weeks between cutting incidents to months

  • Achieved

    best safety record in 30 years

  • Eliminated

    safety glove requirement for staff using Slice blades


Safety cutters that helped IPG achieve its best safety record in thirty years and eliminate a safety glove requirement: