Leader in the Label Printing and Packaging Industry Eliminates Hand Injuries With Slice Tools

Mercian Labels, a label printing and packaging company in the UK, needed a better utility knife to combat an increase in hand injuries on the factory floor. Tim Holling, Production Manager for Mercian Labels, knew it was time for a safer tool since “an operator badly cut his fingers after slipping with a metal blade; the injury was the third similar incident we’d had in many years.” The company switched to the Slice® Manual Utility Knife in early 2020.

Since their introduction at the beginning of 2020, we’ve had zero incidents of cuts or lacerations using Slice products.

Not only are Slice tools great for splicing joins on machines, the safer blades maintain sharpness and are resistant to wear and tear. While workers used to swap out standard metal blades a couple of times a week, Slice blades remain effective even with daily use. “As for durability of the tool, I’ve not had to replace any tools due to damage or wear since early 2020,” Holling says, in late 2021. Best of all? These safety tools eliminated cuts and lacerations altogether for Mercian Labels. “Since their introduction at the beginning of 2020, we’ve had zero incidents of cuts or lacerations using Slice products,” Holling adds.

  • Introduced Slice Manual Utility Knife to minimize cuts and lacerations

  • Zero incidents of cuts and lacerations since switching to Slice


Safety utility knives that helped prevent hand injuries at Mercian Labels: